How to Customize Your Post-Purchase Checkout Experience
New customizable purchase success messages, CTAs, and post-purchase emails

Now, when using Paper's Checkout Links you have even more flexibility to customize your checkout experience!
Checkout Links refer to Paper's out-of-box NFT experience that covers the end-to-end experience from rendering the user interface to fraud detection, payments, and NFT delivery.
Paper's Checkout Links have always had light UI customization options such as toggling light or dark mode, setting button colors and shapes, & deciding whether or not to trigger an email confirmation once a user's purchase has been completed. We've now taken customization one step further by providing you with more flexibility to customize the messaging within your post-purchase user experience.
Why is the post-purchase checkout experience important?
The post-purchase checkout experience refers to everything that happens after your users have successfully completed their purchase. This includes elements such as confirmation emails/receipts, FAQs, or other calls-to-action (CTAs) you want your users to complete. Ensuring that a user has a positive post-purchase experience can leave a lasting impression and even lead to repeat customers.
A good post-purchase checkout experience answers the following questions:
- Was my payment successful?
- When will my item (in this case, NFT) arrive/where can I find it?
- Where should I go for more information or to contact support about additional questions?
- Is there anything else that I need to do now?
Depending on the type of NFT you are selling, you might want your post-purchase experience to lead to additional actions or activations. For example, if you are selling an in-game asset, you might wish to inform your users about how to redeem or use the asset in the game. If your NFT unlocks additional utilities or benefits, you might want to provide the next steps on how they can do so.
Understanding Paper's default post-purchase experience
Before we dive into the specific areas of customization that now exist within Paper's Checkout Links, let's walk through what your users can expect after completing a purchase.
After your users click 'Pay now', or 'Mint' your users will see a 'purchase pending' page with a loading spinner.

Once the transaction has gone through successfully, your users will see a post-purchase page that confirms that the purchase is complete. It will also show a preview of your NFT, the wallet address where the NFT has been delivered, and a final CTA (which in the screenshot below happens to be the button that reads: "Continue to").

Your buyers will also receive an email receipt to confirm the amount they paid if they chose to pay with credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or iDEAL.

Finally, your buyers will receive an email upon the successful transfer of the NFT into your buyers' wallet (whether they used a Paper Wallet to any other crypto wallet). Sellers may choose to not have this email sent to buyers by simply navigating to the dashboard and toggling OFF, "Email buyers when their purchase is completed". If you are using our Checkout Elements, you can use webhooks to trigger your own custom email upon the successful transfer of the NFT.

To recap, the diagram below depicts what your users will encounter as well as where customization is available.

Post-purchase Checkout Experience Customizations
Note: If you aren't already building with Paper, sign-up to access the Paper Dashboard here! This is where you can set-up an end-to-end checkout experience in minutes.
Post-purchase Page Customizations
As seen earlier, the post-purchase page is the last page your user will see within the checkout flow.
Within the post-purchase success page, you can now customize both the text and CTA your users see after purchasing your NFT.

1. Write your own message for the post-purchase success page
As seen in the image above, we've added a textbox that allows you to add your own message to your users.
This can be customized under "Post-purchase Success Message" in the Paper Checkout Link editor. Markdown is also supported within the form field, providing even more flexibility for how you format your message.
2. Customize your post-purchase CTA
As a seller, you can now set a link to where you'd like your customers to redirect after their purchase has been completed. This is beneficial in pointing your buyers to where they can find their NFT, FAQs, or even your social media or Discord community.
Adding a post-purchase CTA makes it simple for your buyers to know where they should navigate next after buying your NFT. To set this in your Checkout Link, add what link you'd like your buyers to redirect to under "Post-Purchase Success Page".
Examples of Post-purchase CTAs:
- Visit your website (link to your website)
- Follow you on social media (link to your social handle)
- Join your Discord community (link to your Discord)
- Read the FAQs (link to your FAQs)
- View your NFT (link to where your buyers can find their NFT; e.g. your wallet provider, Paper Wallet, or Opensea)
Adding a redirect link is not necessary, however, it is helpful in directing your buyers to pages/places that may be helpful as a next step after purchasing.

Transfer Success Email Customization
Paper now also offers light customization for transfer success emails that are sent when the NFT has been successfully delivered. For a more seamless experience, you can upload your company logo within the profile section of your Paper Dashboard and this will be shown within the transfer success email.

If you want even more customization, you can choose to turn off Paper's transfer success emails within your Paper Dashboard. Using our webhooks, you can send your own fully customized emails. Read more about email customization & webhooks here.
A good purchase experience doesn't end once the payment has been made, a good experience also includes smooth NFT delivery and communication of the next steps. With Paper, you can customize your post-purchase experience in the following ways:
- Add your own success message on the post-purchase success page
- Add your own post-purchase CTA (e.g. link to FAQs, socials, etc.)
- Add your company logo to Paper's transfer succeeded emails
- Use webhooks to send out your own fully customized emails
That's a wrap! We hope you learned more about Paper's post-purchase flow & how you can improve your buyer's experience. Have any suggestions on how we can further improve? Let us know on Discord! To learn more about Paper, visit us at or follow us on Twitter!