Programmable NFTs (pNFTs) on Solana: Everything you need to know

Programmable NFTs (pNFTs) on Solana: Everything you need to know
Programmable NFTs (pNFTs) on Solana


In this piece, we'll cover:

  • The basics of ProgrammableNFTs and how they're redefining digital art, ownership, and royalties in the web3 space
  • How developers and artists can utilize ProgrammableNFTs in the Solana community
  • A beginner's guide to joining the ProgrammableNFTs movement

NFT Royalties: A Closer Look

NFT royalties provide a vital income source for artists and creators across various blockchains, fostering creativity in the online space.

Web3 communities and marketplaces have tirelessly worked to ensure artists receive their fair share every time their artwork changes hands. Ethereum's NFT Royalty Standard (EIPS-2981) paved the way, introducing an optional royalty system for ERC-721 and ERC-1155 tokens.

This was a stepping stone, providing marketplaces with a method to ascertain royalty values for traded NFTs, thereby enabling negotiations between artists and sellers about royalty amounts. However, due to technical constraints, this royalty system remained optional, with sellers having the final say on whether or not to include royalties, leading to occasional bypassing of the suggested royalties.

It's akin to a suggested donation at a museum—people can choose to ignore it, and often, they do. This lack of enforcement led to an environment where artists were missing out. This is where the ProgrammableNFT standard steps in, shaking up the game.

The ProgrammableNFT Standard

Aiming to address the gaps in royalty enforcement, Metaplex, a collective of Solana blockchain innovators, proposed the ProgrammableNFT token standard, empowering NFT artists and creators.

In contrast to other NFTs under the Metaplex Token Standard, ProgrammableNFTs feature a 'frozen' Token Account, transferable, burnable, or lockable only via Metaplex’s Token Metadata Program. ProgrammableNFTs also come with ruleSets validated by the Token Metadata Program throughout the token's lifecycle.

These novel validation measures enable creators to include Programs and Accounts in allow/deny lists, offering them absolute control over NFT interactions. Creators can limit transfer permissions to royalty-paying Programs, exclude known royalty evaders from receiving or holding their NFTs, and ensure that any action not meeting the ruleSet standards won't be executed. Plus, creators can assign delegates—accounts given special permissions to manage ruleSets associated with their ProgrammableNFT.

Given the slew of features empowering artists, the surge in ProgrammableNFTs' popularity comes as no surprise.


ProgrammableNFTs are shaking up the digital art, ownership, and royalty landscape in the web3 realm. This exciting new standard puts the power back in the hands of artists, enabling them to maintain better control of their work. With its growing popularity and widespread adoption, ProgrammableNFTs are set to continue changing the face of the NFT space. If you're eager to be a part of this revolution, the doors are wide open—welcome aboard!